I have such a newly found testimony of food storage. The past few months have been a constant struggle for our family. There have been a series of unfortunate events that consisted of family moving away, surgeries, hospitalizations, major illnesses and unemployment. It seemed that one thing after another kept happening. There were so many reasons and excuses for us to be depressed and caught up in sorrow, but we came together weekly and or daily to plant, prune, harvest and preserve our food storage. We all worked so hard together and built each other up while providing for our families. Lately, my dad and I have worked so hard to put away these pears and apples we purchased at the auctions. When he went to work last week at his new job I realized how close this effort to put away our food storage has brought our family. It's not just about the food. I could easily have gone to the store and bought fifty cent cans of vegetables, but it would not have brought me closer to anyone or any understanding. I know that the prophets have counseled us to grow our own gardens and put away food storage for a purpose. We grow together when we work together, not to mention that it is healthier. The Zollman and Meyer clan had a Pickle Party and a Salsa Party. The Pattersons and Sam Zollman families have more food storage than ever before. Great memories were made and relationships were strengthened because we chose to heed the Lord's command. We have been truly blessed and I am so excited to have such great council from the Prophets.