Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Girls, Girls

This is our life...baby dolls and purses, backpacks, shoes and dresses. These are only a few of the baby dolls and purses floating around our house and car. And every night they return to their baby doll size pack'n play.
Our little girls aren't so little anymore. Annalyse is pulling herself up now. She especially loves to pull herself up to peer into the toy box.

Ruby found a new seat today. I caught her sitting here three times, just putting on shoes or "nursing" her baby doll.


Cherie and Jeff said...

Your little ones are sure growing up...such adorable little girls. Thanks for sharing all you do. We love it! Hugs to all of you.
Cherie and Jeff

Danielle said...

I can't believe how fast they're growing! Oh my goodness!!! They are so adorable and I love it when they start to imitate their role in society!