Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Season

I love Christmas!!! I probably love a little more now because I don't work a full time job outside of the home and so I am more free to make things and find fun activities to occupy my time and Ruby's time. For instance, Mindy, Ruby and I went to Breakfast with Santa on Saturday morning. We had a fun time and Ruby...

met Santa. She was fascinated with this man in red. She just looked him up and down. It was fun to watch.

We love Aunt Mindy.

Then, the Zollmans introduced Ruby and I to the Bethlehem exhibit at Fairview Missionary church in Angola. AMAZING!!!! They had everything. First we sat and listened to live music while we waited to enter the exhibit. Then we entered Bethlehem on the morning after Christ was born. As we entered we saw the three kings planning their trip in a distant land. Then we met the shepherds who visited the babe the night before. The head of household signed the census and then payed our taxes before entering the city. Then we walked through the Bethlehem market place. There were slaves, beggars, dancers, roman soldiers, and merchants. It was AMAZING!!! The floor was covered in sand and they had live animals. At the end we were greeted by the inn keepers and directed to the manger. Then we saw baby Jesus and his parents in a dark room with a single light on their family. AMAZING!!! Have I said that enough?! I loved it. In fact, I went back the next day with the Patterson clan. They loved it too. If you are interested and want to put it on your calendar for next year the dates are December 4 and 5. It is already on mine. AMAZING!!!

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