We have been very blessed in our marriage. We have two beautiful and healthy little girls. We have a warm home that will one day be paid off and then rented out. We have one semi-functioning vehicle. We have wonderful callings, wonderful family and we are in good health. We love each other and that's more than some people can say. We have the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we live it and love it. So why, with all of these wonderful blessings am I complaining?!
After almost a year of unemployment, Sam has a job-another blessing. He works third shift, goes to school full time and magnifies his calling of Branch President. He never gets a full nights rest, so when date night rolls around he falls asleep in the car on the way to our destination or on the couch during a movie. I don't blame him, but it does cause marital discussions and romance to go down the tube. I can't blame him, I can't blame his calling and I can't blame school and we need the job. So why am I complaining when we have been blessed with a much needed job in a time when jobs are scarce?
It hit me that I borrowed money for four years of college, only to work one year towards paying it off. I am grateful for my degree and I feel rather accomplished when I sit around talking with other stay at home mothers because I have that degree and that's not one of my life's questions anymore. How selfish is that? Sorry, but that's the nasty proud side of Laura. I have something to fall back on and I am glad. So why am I complaining?
I get to stay home with my children everyday, and clean the house all by myself everyday and go to bed all by myself everyday. So why am I complaining?
This is me on a bad day. Sorry, world.
Our Alaska adventure: Whale Watching
8 years ago
Laura, I was struggling with the decision to stay home after this semester because of the very same reason. I'm only working this semester to pay off all other debt, but I just cannot stand student loans period :(. Good luck! Oh and you're allowed to have a bad day every now and again.
Guess why you are complaining...I will tell you. Please don't feel like I am judging you...
YOU ARE HUMAN!!! Please don't be upset...as perfect as we all know you are...guess what??? You are not perfect, you are human. I for one am glad to hear you complain...
because I am far away and want to be able to see you next time I visit Indiana...and if you don't complain about something...which by the way isn't a bad thing to be upset about occasionally...than you wouldn't be here and we wouldn't be able to see you. Worse than that you wouldn't be there with your wonderful husband and two gorgeous baby girls and the rest of the family and friends who love you....you would be translated...so
LAURA!!! Thanks for complaining occasionally...It keeps you here on earth. You can talk to us about it anytime!!! You know why??? Because we are human too...striving for perfection...one day...not doing to well, but working on it!
Hugs, bunches of em!!
Cherie and Jeff
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