Tuesday, November 8, 2011


We started teaching Ruby how to spell her name and tracing it on paper. She got a little confused along the way though. I asked her one day to spell her name for me and she said R-Me-B-Y. Apparently, she thought I was saying R-you-BY to her that whole time, instead of the letter "U". Oh well, we will get it eventually. I asked her if she wanted to learn how to spell Anna's name as well and she just said, "yeah, R-Her-B-Y".
That's my goofy girl. Ruby has been a little particular lately. She has to arrange her toys a certain way, or her clothes, or the markers in the box have to be turned the right way. She also helps me around the house a lot. She loves to mop, sweep and take care of Annalyse. My mom took Ruby shopping at a clothing store. She turned around and Ruby was hiding behind the check-out counter arranging their staplers.
She is also a shopper. We often go to Walmart out of boredom or for actual shopping. She always asks to take a look at the toys. Then all week I hear that she wants this baby and that baby and the stroller that goes with it. She loves to take care of her babies at home. She is always carrying one and she even nurses them. She is a little mamma.
Ruby went shopping at Trader Joe's when we went to see my parents.
So funny. The other night Ruby looked at the sky and said, "The Moon is flying in the Sky." She is so smart.
We started having Family Home Evenings weekly again and Ruby has decided that every night should be FHE. When we say it is family prayer time she runs to the piano and picks out a song, then hands us our scriptures and the book of pictures that go with the scripture stories. She is a hoot. She even says her own prayers now. Of course, she asks for Heavenly Father to bless each family member at least a few times.
One of Ruby's favorite jobs at home is to reline the trashcan after I take it out. So every Sunday at church Ruby empties the trash can by the front door on our way out. Then she relines it and dirties a clean-x only so she can have an excuse to empty it and reline it again.

Daddy is one of Ruby's favorite people. She loves him sooooooo much. And of course, I am obsolete when Daddy is around. But I don't mind so much. They are a great pair.

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