Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I heard a story about a man who weighs his wife every morning and requires her to stay within a certain weight range. I didn't hear what the penalty is for going outside of that range, but it made me mad just thinking about it. Then I talked to my best friend about it, raving that it was unrighteous dominion. My friend said that to make that judgement we would need all the facts. They asked what was this man's motivation. I don't know if I am ready to accept that there is even an argument in favor of requiring your wife to be within a certain weight range. So here is my unretorical question for you bloggers: Is it unrighteous to weight your wife or I guess any partner every morning, placing restrictions on their weight? Please tell me what you think.

p.s. Thank goodness my husband doesn't do that. He would have had to leave me a long time ago if it were so.


Cherie and Jeff said...

Hahaha...I have to tell you...I wrote a whole page long of this and that about this subject. I went to send it to you and it didn't go through...ha. Someone trying to tell me maybe I went overboard? Well, I will just say...
Healing can't take place in negativity. Love One Another...Judge not lest ye be judged. Obesity is EPIDEMIC in the US. I resemble that comment. I can say from personal experience...nothing negative said can bring about positive results in the end. I mean, belittling, disrespect, disparaging remarks or actions...only fuel the epidemic. How about a little respect...?? We are human beings...each of us have a heart, feelings etc. I say IF the person is really feeling as if they NEED to have their partner/spouse etc "weigh in" maybe that person needs a mirror instead of scales.
I can always find good in someone else when I look in a mirror and notice my own inadequacies and issues when judging someone else's.
Obesity is most often times (I would say from studying this issue) a symptom of another unlying issue...not JUST because someone is overeating.
Hugs Laura...guess I will shut up now.

Danielle said...

So, I totally agree that my husband would have left me years ago as the weight replaced itself. I almost think though that there does need to be accountability to our health just like our spiritual life. I mean Jesus says that many will call me Lord, but only a few will go with Him. I feel that I, and probably others, talk the talk about our health but would we go to heaven if thats what our salvation required? Just trying to compare. I am going to steal your blog post and rant on my page too :). Thank you so much for bringing that up!

Heckert Family said...

Maybe she had an eating disorder and he made sure she didn't get too thin. I know that is a little wishful thinking, but you never know.
I miss you tons, and I hope your little ones are letting you get more sleep!