Sunday, July 24, 2011

Assembly Line

Having babies so close together is mostly a wonderful thing. It's definately interesting. Sometimes it's even like an assembly line. For instance, today we came home from church and it was baby #1 remove dress, change diaper, put play clothes on, put in high chair and assemble plate of food then grab baby #2 to remove dress, change diaper, put play clothes on, put in high chair and feed. It's crazy.
So, confession time-I am a mom who yells. I try not to. I pray that I won't but something always upsets my plan. I mean, seriously, from the moment I wake up it's assembly line to change diapers, get the kids dressed and feed them breakfast. I normally don't get dressed, smelling acceptable and fed myself until ten and we wake up at 7:30AM. Seriously, I don't feel like doing a happy dance and singing a merry ol' tune when I see a plate of food being dropped or thrown overboard by not just one kid, but two. So am I a bad mom? I know that yelling is not the most righteous thing to do, but it is the fastest and easiest stress reliever I can think of. If you only knew how often I feel like yelling and I don't then you might be impressed, but the truth is that to be a good mommy I must not yell. I must remain calm and pray for patience, forget myself and laugh more.


Cherie and Jeff said...

You are a good mommie!!! Do not think because you yell you aren't. I can guarantee you your kids, if able to express it, do not consider you a bad mom and they are the ones who will let the important Guy know! Hugs. Don't overstress it unless you get hurtful! When I was a nanny the parents has a plastic mat to put under Brad's high chair...all I had to do after he ate was pick it up...and rinse it off and wipe it dry. It was amazing...maybe two of those would come in handy... or maybe invest in some painters plastic! haha. You are ok...remember life doesn't have to go as fast for mom's as the rest of the world or you will go crazy!
Love ya lots.

Sara and the Boys said...

I am the same way! I tey really hard not to yell and some days are good and some aren't so good. I am doing better but I don't know how except that i am TRYING to be softer spoken. I normally talk loud so yelling isn't too hard to do cuz i am already pretty close just with talking. And I too have prayed for help, but just know that now that you have you will be bombarded with reasons to yell. I suppose it is because it gives you more opportunities to practice not yelling. Anyway I totally know where you are coming from. I think it is normal but definitely not something we want to do or should do. It just takes practice :) Sorry that probably doesn't help much but seeing how I still yell I suppose i am not the one to tell you how to stop doing it :) You are a great mom and we love and miss you!!!

Heckert Family said...

Not yelling is the hardest part about being a mommy! Everyday it is my goal to yell less, and I will promise you that as time passes, it does get easier. Over the past two years I have been able to bite my tongue more and yell less, so stay in there! You are doing great and progression comes through our trials!
p.S. your kids are just so cute!

Danielle said...

Laura, I just love your honesty and openness to share these things with the blogging community! You have such a kind heart, Laura. If the worst thing you do is have to yell every now and again to release, I don't see a problem with it. Your girls know your heart. They know you deeper than you think. I cannot imagine having 2 so close in age, but I do see it as a blessing! I see it as one, your womb is fertile allowing you to shower God's glory onto your children. Secondly, He ultimately teaches us through circumstances! This is just a way that He may be teaching you something about yourself. :)

Sam and Laura Zollman said...

Thanks to everyone for your comforting words and words of wisdom. It's nice to hear that I'm not a total heathen;)